Dear Aunty B, I know you are nice to bosses but I am having trouble with mine and I know he reads your column… so I am writing to you wi…
Dear Aunty B, I know you are nice to bosses but I am having trouble with mine and I know he reads your column… so I am writing to you wi…
I have just had the pleasure of being a participant at the Ernst & Young Women’s Entrepreneur Workshop in Sydney. It was a delight to li…
Many business leaders believe that hard times are a great teacher. Running a business in a boom economic period is one thing, but leading th…
Recently I received a “letter to the editor” in response to my article in The Australian: Role models key to end gender imbalance. Goal…
I hadn’t ever had a formal board before, and my father was experienced as a chairman of public companies. So as CEO I decided the othe…
Hi Aunty B, I’ve recently been promoted to manager but I’m really, really struggling with time management. Every day I get into work with …
I don’t really like the word “networking” – it implies something forced (I think the term should remain the domain of IT folks). I wa…
Last night, Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt testified before a US Senate antitrust committee on the search engine company’s market power….
When Paul Kirkbride was the chief learning officer at a Fortune 500 company in the United States, he noticed everybody was receiving trainin…
Hi Aunty B, This is a bit of a left-fielder for you. But I wondered what you say when you go to a party? I am a young entrepren…
Extreme working hours, cashflow, the Aussie dollar, personnel problems, time management… there are so many reasons why sustained, prolonge…
Most business commentators have been waiting for years for the rush of baby boomer entrepreneurs to sell up and hit the beach in retirement …