A few weeks ago I predicted that a lot of companies would follow online ads giant Seek and go to the market to raise capital to help them re…

A few weeks ago I predicted that a lot of companies would follow online ads giant Seek and go to the market to raise capital to help them re…
What a week it’s been in the media sector! First, Fairfax unveils a savage restructure with 1,900 job losses, then News Limited responds w…
There are no winners from Fairfax Media’s savage restructure and the accompanying loss of 1,900 jobs over the next three years. The com…
So we can all stop being experts on Greek politics, at least for a few months. The pro-euro New Democracy party has claimed victory in the…
Ruslan Kogan loves stirring the pot. He loves getting under Gerry Harvey’s skin. He loves poking holes in JB Hi-Fi’s business model. He …
It’s getting harder and harder for Australian entrepreneurs to read the signals coming out of the global and domestic economies. Financ…
When I caught up with Jitesh Gohil yesterday afternoon, he sounded like a man who had had a busy day. Gohil is the general manager of Syd…
First came the interest rate cut. Then came the startlingly good GDP growth figures. Smile guys – it’s been a bloody good week. Now, …
Well, for once the sharemarket did exactly as was expected. After the weekend’s savage sell-off across global markets, the Australian mark…
May ended with a whimper and it does not look like June is going to be much better. Towards the end of last week, we saw the sharemarket …
I wrote a few weeks ago that James Packer officially has his mojo back. And it’s the fight for control of casino group Echo that has got h…
Yesterday’s dip in retail sales is yet another bit of bad news for a beleaguered sector. Poor old Russell Zimmerman, head of the Austral…