Dear Aunty B, We work in the tourism sector. It’s a pretty hairy industry at the moment, but I’m having a bit of an extra problem – my…

Dear Aunty B, We work in the tourism sector. It’s a pretty hairy industry at the moment, but I’m having a bit of an extra problem – my…
In one of the latest signs that consumer confidence is actually on the uptick, the Westpac Consumer Sentiment survey has recorded a “welcome…
Commercial finance increased in September, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The data shows total…
Business conditions have fallen to their worst level in over three years, while confidence is also subdued as companies struggle to extract …
Dear Aunty B, We had a little Melbourne Cup lunch and a few of my staff we’re talking about how close the end of the year is. “Cup da…
Dear Aunty B, I had to talk to one of my staff about a problem with her performance the other day and she started crying in my office. This …
Another Reserve Bank decision on interest rates, and another elongated post mortem about whether the Board members did the ‘right’ or ‘wrong…
The Reserve Bank has revised its June 2013 GDP forecast, now expecting the economy to slow due to falling commodity prices and a slowdown in…
Dear Aunty B, I own a small retail shop and on the weekends a couple of students work on a casual basis. They are all good and relia…
Unemployment in Australia was steady in October, coming in better than analyst expectations, according to data from the Australian Bureau of…
Dear Aunty B, I am a 22-year-old girl who has started a company with my father and my aunty (she’s actually a family friend of years) a co…
Construction activity declined in October, according to the latest figures from the Australian Industry Group-Housing Industry Association p…