Shares in Metcash have fallen 2.85% this morning following an announcement from the company that its full year earnings guidance would be lo…

Shares in Metcash have fallen 2.85% this morning following an announcement from the company that its full year earnings guidance would be lo…
Dear Aunty B, I think our company is about to undergo a major restructure. The directors and senior executive team keep dropping hints in …
This week, blogger Tristan White decided to examine a sorely undervalued commodity: Giving someone your undivided attention. In this fas…
New private capital expenditure has increased by a larger than expected amount during the third quarter, according to the latest figures fro…
Dear Aunty B, One of my directors is giving me the absolute shits. He’s recently retired after a long, long career and he’s clearly stru…
Construction work improved during the September quarter, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The fi…
Entrepreneurs could be forgiven for tuning out when big global bodies such as the IMF, the World Bank and OECD release yet another missive o…
Dear Aunty B, I’ve got a major problem. I manage a relatively large team in a medium-sized business and the other day I was doing some bud…
The United States gross domestic product (GDP) annual growth rate of 3% that has prevailed for the last century has gone forever, according …
Dear Aunty B, Thanks so much for your response to my question the other day about getting people to take me seriously as someone who works f…
Ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded its outlook for Queensland’s AA1 credit rating from stable to negative. ”The change in the outlook…
Dear Aunty B, I work in a large organisation that used to be a government-owned entity. In order to make the place more entrepreneurial (or …