Business confidence and conditions improved marginally in March, but remain at recessionary levels, according to the National Australia Bank…

Business confidence and conditions improved marginally in March, but remain at recessionary levels, according to the National Australia Bank…
A car industry expert claims Australia’s automotive industry is doomed, and says GM Holden will be the first local car maker to shut its doo…
Qantas has slashed its full-year pre-tax profit forecast by 80% and announced it will cut 1750 jobs, while the country’s biggest travel agen…
The Australian sharemarket has opened 1.1% higher today after overseas markets were buoyed by news that the US Government will help life ins…
Australia’s unemployment rate has jumped 0.5% to 5.7% in March after total employment fell by 34,700 to 10,771,800. Most economists ha…
Property experts are divided about whether the Federal Government’s national broadband network will push up property development costs and a…
The property sector continues to struggle with the downturn, despite the Government’s stimulatory efforts, with the number of home loans inc…
The economy might be in recession and the unemployment queues may be growing, but Australian consumers are proving to be extremely resilient…
While information technology industry leaders have praised the Government’s plans for the national broadband network, experts have raised qu…
The Government will start rolling out payments of up to $900 to taxpayers as part of its $42 billion stimulus package, but the message from …
The number of jobs advertised in newspapers and on the internet fell 8.5% in March, adding to fears that the Australian economy is about to …
Insolvency firms are bracing for a surge in the number of companies entering voluntary administrations and liquidations after new figures fr…