The stock market in the US has managed to climb over the 9000 point barrier for the first time since January, after manufacturer 3M, telco A…
The stock market in the US has managed to climb over the 9000 point barrier for the first time since January, after manufacturer 3M, telco A…
To wake up this morning and find the Dow index of US shares above 9,000 and see copper and oil prices surging tells us that the stock market…
Now is not the time for smart companies to believe that the worst is over and that the flood of funds into large-scale corporate capital, th…
There can be little doubt that the Federal Government’s stimulus measures have been highly successful in protecting the Australian economy f…
Concerns are growing about some big profit falls in the mining industry. Giant BHP Billiton is reportedly preparing to announce a 35% declin…
The wave of small and medium business collapses that we’ve been bracing for might finally be breaking. Insolvency experts in Sydney and Melb…
There are two very different stories coming out of the retail sector today – one positive and one negative. On the plus side, big retail…
The consumer price index rose 0.5% during the June quarter, but the annual rate of inflation has fallen to a 10-year low of just 1.5%. T…
We’ve been talking about the “green shoots” of recovery for some time now, but it seems that even central bankers are getting more optimisti…
To sum up: the Fed and the RBA have both declared victory over inflation, but not unemployment. Actually, they haven’t been fighting inf…
Some more good news for the economy has arrived. The Reserve Bank of Australia has released the minutes of its last monthly meeting, in whic…
Today’s sales figures from Harvey Norman paint a great picture of how the wider Australian retail sector has done over the last 12 months. …