Consumer confidence only rose slightly during June despite talk of interest rate cuts, according to the latest figures from the Westpac-Melb…

Consumer confidence only rose slightly during June despite talk of interest rate cuts, according to the latest figures from the Westpac-Melb…
The Federal Government is sick of negative talk. Yesterday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said she wants to see more CEOs start talking up th…
Be ready for a surge in new dwelling starts led by New South Wales, Victoria and, of course, mining boosted Western Australia. This revival …
Business conditions are now at the weakest seen in three years, with mining and construction down sharply, according to today’s NAB Monthly …
Last week the outlook for Australia’s economy was looking pretty rosy with the announcement of strong gross domestic product figures and l…
The next few weeks are likely to bite a huge hole in consumer sentiment and an even bigger dent in business confidence. Analysts are predict…
Other businesses may be struggling to create jobs in a challenging market, but entrepreneur-led companies bucked the trends and expanded the…
Small business representatives will be among the 130 leaders of Australian business, unions and the community at the Prime Minister’s Econom…
Australia’s economy has shocked economists and commentators by expanding at its fastest annual rate in four-and-a-half years, but the growth…
Australia’s gross domestic product grew by1.3% last quarter, bringing the total to 4.3% for the year from March 2011 to March 2012. Th…
The business community has largely applauded the RBA’s decision to cut the official cash rate by 25 basis points to 3.5%, but now comes the …
The Reserve Bank could easily have sat on its hands for a while longer and waited to see how the crisis within the euro zone and the slowing…