Investment guru Warren Buffett has issued a warning on the US and European economies, saying growth has slowed in the last six weeks, with t…

Investment guru Warren Buffett has issued a warning on the US and European economies, saying growth has slowed in the last six weeks, with t…
Unemployment increased to 5.2% in June, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Since May, the total nu…
The problem with depressions, not that I’ve ever been awake during one before, is that you tend to get caught up in the minutiae of the mome…
The Reserve Bank cut interest rates more than it otherwise would have needed to over recent years to offset rises in bank funding costs. …
Treasury’s chief economist is blaming SMEs and second-rate management practices for Australia’s low productivity. Speaking at the Austral…
Worldwide Information and Communications Technology (ICT) spending is expected to reach $3.62 trillion per annum in 2012, according to new f…
The Queensland Government has defended its decision to enter a High Court battle against the mining tax, saying it won’t be a waste of money…
Business conditions improved during June, but activity still remains soft as businesses continue to fear the effects of new taxes and uncert…
The number of SMEs for sale has increased by 6% over the last three months, putting pressure on business valuations and hinting that the lon…
The number of job ads published on the internet and in print declined for a third consecutive month in June, according to the latest figures…
Small business lobby groups believe many SMEs seeking to pass on carbon tax cost increases will keep quiet about the reasons for any price h…
Global financial markets again face a turbulent week, as the latest agreement between European leaders aimed at solving the region’s debt cr…