Dick Smith must be delighted: He had barely begun his latest ‘watch those foreigners’ campaign when Opposition Leader Tony Abbott jumped in …

Dick Smith must be delighted: He had barely begun his latest ‘watch those foreigners’ campaign when Opposition Leader Tony Abbott jumped in …
Petroleum company Caltex will close its Kurnell refinery in Sydney in a move that will cost up to 630 jobs. Caltex said the refinery woul…
Despite the protestations, ASX has pressed ahead with its controversial proposal to change its listing rules to make it easier for companies…
Consumer prices rose in the second quarter, slightly less than expectations, according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. …
It’s the second time in six weeks Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens has stood before the Australian public and told us to be more upbeat…
The vice gripping Spain tightened further overnight, as investors worried that the country was edging ever closer to a full-scale bailout. …
The NAB Manufacturing Activity Index eased further in the second quarter of the year, remaining in negative territory – despite some diver…
Australia has every reason to be concerned about what is happening in Europe. And the fundamental profit news from the US is not good, altho…
Three months ago the possibility of a European break-up was real but an outside chance. Last week a survey by Bank of America Merrill Lync…
The end is in sight for Australia’s mining and investment boom, according to Deloitte Access Economics’ June 2012 quarter Business Outlook, …
CommSec chief economist Craig James has a new way for us to see Australia’s two-speed economy: There’s Western Australia and then there’s th…
Now that end of year financial returns have been lodged and the economy is on the mend, it’s time to plan ahead to get ahead. Many smart …