Martin Ferguson may have been premature in declaring the resources boom over but there is no doubt it is shifting into a different phase n…

Martin Ferguson may have been premature in declaring the resources boom over but there is no doubt it is shifting into a different phase n…
Qantas has recorded a massive loss of $245 million in the year to June 30, after recording a loss of $249 million in 2011. The report is w…
Dear Aunty B, I need some help with a media issue and given that you are in the business you should be able to help. No matter what we…
The decision by BHP Billiton to cancel its $30 billion Olympic Dam mine expansion project is likely to have direct repercussions for the reg…
BHP Billiton has been signalling for months that the cluster of mega-projects it had in its pipeline were going to be out on the shelf for a…
SEEK has announced a net profit for the 2011-12 year of $131 million, up 35% from the previous corresponding period. Revenue also increas…
Profit reporting season is a goldmine for entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes. The requirement for listed companies to report their res…
Dear Aunty B I have run my own business for the past six years and have built it to 25 staff. I have just been diagnosed with cancer and …
The global economy still remains fragile with the euro zone being the main perpetrator, the RBA said in its board meeting this month, accord…
Dear Aunty B, This economy feels like a rollercoaster. I keep a close tab on news, including your excellent publications, but never in my…
For years we have had a two-speed global economy composed of constrained advanced countries offset by strong growth in the emerging world. T…
The Commonwealth Bank Business Sales Indicator has fallen 5.4% in July, reversing improvements of 3.1% in June and 1.7% in May. The BSI t…