Dear Aunty B, I read the other day about Andrew Forrest cutting back on company barbecues and tomato sauce, but we’ve been hit with our ow…
Dear Aunty B, I read the other day about Andrew Forrest cutting back on company barbecues and tomato sauce, but we’ve been hit with our ow…
Don’t show the graph below to the central banks and currency traders who are buying the Australian dollar as a safe haven currency. F…
The number of housing starts fell to a 15 year low in 2012, according to the latest Housing Industry Association-Colorbond steel housing rep…
Dear Aunty B, Two of my top people used to be really, really close friends. They worked closely together, they did things on the weekend …
Timber company Gunns has revealed to the market it is in the process of appointing a voluntary administrator. The business said its lende…
Dear Aunty, I’m quietly sh-tting myself. The ATO has been in touch about my tax debt and I’ve got no idea what to tell them. The trut…
Every Australian CFO would have watched Wayne Swan’s effort yesterday with a mixture of admiration and envy: if only they could get away wit…
The Federal Government’s budget deficit for the 2012 financial year has come in slightly lower than the May estimate. Treasurer Wayne S…
Dear Aunty B, I know that good leaders are supposed to be upbeat and energetic at all times, even when they don’t feel that way. But la…
Australia is performing better than most “advanced economies” but risks to its financial stability remain due to a concentrated banking …
In recent months a raft of indicators has effectively been marking time. That is, they’ve been trending sideways. Consumer confidence is …
The Reserve Bank has no choice but to join the currency debasement contest that’s now going on around the world, and to cut rates by another…