Governments globally are struggling and failing to solve significant environmental and social issues, especially as more are constrained by …

Governments globally are struggling and failing to solve significant environmental and social issues, especially as more are constrained by …
When it comes to team decision-making, we shouldn’t need research to back the idea that more diverse and inclusive environments will lead …
Some of the world’s most prominent tech companies have joined forces to support LGBTQIA members of the Australian tech industry, with Atlass…
“Why didn’t I think of that?” It’s a common catch-cry for anyone reading about small business and entrepreneurs. We all wish we had …
The majority of Victoria’s high-growth startups began generating revenue within their first year of operation, according to research into th…
The startup sphere is revered for its innovative thought, but over the past few months, headlines have painted the culture of technology com…
By Edwin Ip, University of Melbourne
If you think your boss is in her position only because of a gender quota and not because of merit, …
Australian women studying computer science degrees or modules at university have an opportunity to see first-hand what it takes to build a m…
Female entrepreneurs participating in SheHacks hackathons will now have the opportunity to continue working on their startup …
By Brooke Maggs, Deakin University
Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows a rise in the number of women working in t…
Employing the right staff can be a challenge for small business. Getting the right cultural fit, using the relevant recruitment tools and kn…
In Australia, 2.1 million people of working age have a disability. For some, their disability does not impact greatly on every day life. For…