Two not-for-profits are joining forces for an event backed by Microsoft that will aim to empower young girls with the various possibilities …
Two not-for-profits are joining forces for an event backed by Microsoft that will aim to empower young girls with the various possibilities …
By Taryn Williams
There are two primary challenges facing Australian female tech entrepreneurs: a lack of expertise and a lack of confide…
When a Melbourne-based social enterprise reached out to the managing director of Dropbox APAC they asked him one simple question: “Why is …
When Adriana Gascoigne joined a Silicon Valley startup in 2007 there was one big problem.
After getting a job at GUBA, she quic…
Diversity isn’t just about gender – it’s about culture, gender, sexual orientation, age and many other factors. At Inspiring Rare B…
If you’re going to make real change within your startup, everyone needs to be clear about what problem you’re trying to solve and why it’s w…
Pinterest has hired its first ever head of diversity as the photo-sharing platform aims strives towards being a “true meritocracy”. C…
For one of the world’s biggest venture capital funds and startup accelerator, placing diversity as a top priority is for the economic b…
Australian software company Envato has been crowned the coolest place to work for women, according to careers website JobAdvisor, just o…
Facebook has been one of many giant tech companies to release its internal diversity figures and pledge to do better, and now it has announc…
Malcolm Turnbull’s new cabinet is certainly a welcome start. It’s encouraging to see some of the most important portfolios such as def…
The earlier you start thinking about diversity in your startup the easier it will be to naturally grow a diverse team in the long run, accor…