Marketing mediums have changed, but the basics remain the same
The basic marketing methods we use and the messages we push haven't changed much over the decades — only the medium is different.
How to whip up a marketing plan: Six ingredients to create your base
When you're a startup ready to seriously focus on marketing your product, you want to hit the ground running fast. Here's how to create a marketing plan.
Be something to someone: How to unlock the power of niche marketing
Niche target marketing is one of the most powerful and efficient ways to attract new clients and build industry engagement and trust.
Sales won’t just happen: Ten steps to light your marketing fire
Startup marketing ends up being an afterthought for many founders, so here are 10 steps to get you started and help maximise sales.
Four fundamentals for positive word-of-mouth marketing
Do you want strong word-of-mouth marketing for your business or startup? Here are the four key things you need to focus on.
Why you’re 331% more likely to listen to friends than advertising when planning a wedding
Personal word-of-mouth marketing from family and friends resonates more than advertising, especially in the context of planning a wedding.
Why women drive word-of-mouth marketing
Word-of-mouth marketing needs to be a priority, because 83% of Americans are more likely to purchase a product after receiving a verbal recommendation.
Five word-of-mouth marketing strategies to boost your business
People trust what their friends and family tell them about businesses and brands, which is what makes word-of-mouth marketing so powerful.
How to make digital part of your brand’s DNA instead of a bolt-on
Agencies continue to treat traditional and digital advertising as separate entities, resulting in the delivery of uncoordinated, ineffective campaigns.
Let word-of-mouth ignite your marketing fire
The most powerful marketing tools a small business has in its repertoire are authentic word-of-mouth and advocacy.
Comparing brand strength with Google Trends
A great way to check the strength of your brand is to do a search on Google Trends and put it up against similar businesses or companies in the same niche.
Six ways to nail your digital marketing strategy, from GlamCorner co-founder Dean Jones
Fashion-sharing startup GlamCorner has tripled in size over the past year, and co-founder Dean Jones saying it’s pretty much all due to digital marketing