Victoria has a new Labor government after voters at the weekend chose to oust the Denis Napthine-led Coalition following just one term in po…

Victoria has a new Labor government after voters at the weekend chose to oust the Denis Napthine-led Coalition following just one term in po…
The Council of Small Business of Australia, Small Business Minister Bruce Billson and the Real Estate Institute of Victoria are embroiled in…
Poker machine maker Aristocrat Leisure has posted a $16 million full-year loss due to a writedown in the value of its Japanese business. In …
A number of key industry groups have praised plans by Victorian Premier Denis Napthine to roll out improved mobile phone coverage in rural a…
A delegation of 320 Victorian businesses made up mainly of small and medium-size businesses landed in Malaysia yesterday for the launch of t…
In an apparent funding backflip, the Victorian government has announced $200 million in funding for Victorian TAFEs despite slashing funding…
The Victorian business community says the resignation of Ted Baillieu as premier may represent a good opportunity for the state government t…
Apparently both the Federal and Victorian governments are working hard to save the jobs of the 600 souls employed at the Alcoa aluminium s…