Tech giant Apple remains at the top of the American Customer Satisfaction Index for the computer industry, even though the company’s ranking…
Tech giant Apple remains at the top of the American Customer Satisfaction Index for the computer industry, even though the company’s ranking…
Social networking giant Twitter has grown from an internet gimmick into a full-blown marketing tool. For SMEs, being able to spread your mes…
To help businesses establish themselves on Twitter, the service has released a free guide to show companies how to use it, to help them buil…
More signs have emerged that social networking site Twitter will reveal its model for generating revenue after launching Twitter 101, a site…
Last week thousands of Iranians used Twitter to organize demonstrations, Tech Crunch founder Mike Arrington announced Twitter is his third h…
Computer manufacturer Dell claims it has made over $US3 million in sales attributed to a company Twitter account. According to a story i…
Prices of computers and other hardware products may soon be hit with a new recycling levy in an attempt to curb the growing amount of elect…
Computer manufacturer Dell may be working on a new netbook that ships with Google’s Android operating system. Software developer Bsqua…
Computer database company Oracle is set to buy information technology giant Sun Microsystems for $US7.4 billion, after Sun’s negotiations wi…
LCD television manufacturer Hitachi has admitted to price fixing its LCD computer monitors and is now the fourth company caught by a US Just…
Even the rich need a place to relax. With stock markets plummeting, banks failing and economies falling into recession, we all need a little…
The world’s first supercomputer for average consumers – 250 times faster than the average personal computer – has been released for pu…