Stephenie Meyer, the bestselling author dubbed the next JK Rowling, has dumped plans for a new novel after an unfinished draft was leaked on…

Stephenie Meyer, the bestselling author dubbed the next JK Rowling, has dumped plans for a new novel after an unfinished draft was leaked on…
A blogger has been arrested for breaking copyright laws by posting copies of songs from the soon-to-be-released Guns ‘n’ Roses album, Ch…
A British scheme that requires internet service providers to warn users if they download information in breach of copyright laws could be ta…
It’s been another big week in business and just in case you’ve spent the week trying to figure out how your iPhone works, we’ve picked…
JAG, Witchery and Target have been forced to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to British fashion house Ted Baker, which took legal…
Google has been ordered to supply its opponent in a $1 billion copyright suit, Viacom, with data that could identify visitors to its video s…
Porn. Much of the rest is pornography. If the speed of the network were faster, the amount of piracy would rise because it would be quicker …
Australia is one of a group of countries, including Canada and the US, supporting new anti-counterfeiting trade agreements, which would allo…
Bolinda Audio Books has fought hard to become Australia’s leading audio book company, with sales this financial year of more than $15 mill…
Web 2.0 pioneer Mark Harbottle, 35, is changing direction, and has has started another business,, from an idea that grew out o…
Fashion brand Ksubi, which gained publicity for a series of stunts such as releasing rats on a fashion catwalk, has potentially taken on Goo…
You would have thought that inaction would be the top SEO sin, but apparently not – just have a look at what the Australian Financial Revi…