Franchise operator Mrs. Fields has acquired its former rival Cookie Man in an unexpected deal, saving the Cookie Man brand from liquidation….

Franchise operator Mrs. Fields has acquired its former rival Cookie Man in an unexpected deal, saving the Cookie Man brand from liquidation….
Franchise chain Cookie Man has been rescued from liquidation, with former rival Mrs. Fields acquiring the brand in a deal announced this mor…
The sale of Allied Brands’ former franchise chain Cooke Man could be completed by the end of the week, although the liquidator of the group …
Allied Brands franchisees aren’t in any immediate danger following the company’s move into voluntary administration, according to chief …
Franchise brand manager Franchised Food Company is looming as a potential winner from the woes of Allied Brands, with executive chairman Sta…
The situation at franchise brand company Allied Brands continues to worsen, with creditors reporting delays of up to six months in getting i…
Cookie Man is continuing to advertise franchisee positions, despite the company being placed in liquidation following a winding up order. …
Besieged franchise brand manager Allied Brands has been dealt another blow, revealing that its Cookie Man franchise has been placed in liqui…
Exporters are suffering as the Australian dollar heads upwards of 81 US cents for the first time in eight months, but import companies are r…