It just doesn’t come easily to me, calling people and interrupting their day. Whether it’s my introverted nature or star sign, I have al…
Is cold calling still an important part of the sales process? Or should I make initial contact another way? Often we can answer these que…
It was amazing how many other pressing things I could find to do when it was time to start making cold calls. Suddenly, implementing that ne…
Leaders of nations first did it. Military generals do it. Even high powered CEOs now do it. When they need something of critical importance …
Competition is fierce. You need to be on your game, ready and nimble as a start-up. The best technology, the greatest processes all means no…
Right, time to stop procrastinating. Yesterday I gave you some tips about how to prepare for a cold call, but now it’s time for the rubber…
Okay, it’s time to get ready to attack one of the toughest things in business – the dreaded cold call. Now, cold calling is som…
Dear Aunty B, I just hate picking up the phone and cold calling for favours. It is not just the rejection I fear, but I am embarrassed to a…