Code Club Australia has received an early Christmas present of $1 million that’ll help the organisation reach more schools in regional are…
Code Club Australia has received an early Christmas present of $1 million that’ll help the organisation reach more schools in regional are…
Raspberry Pi has produced the world’s smallest and cheapest computer with the aim of removing the barriers that are preventing people lear…
More than 40 MPs and Senators, including the Prime Minister, have attended a “coding bootcamp” in Parliament to get hands-on experience …
Visiting a friend’s house to watch coding tutorials online doesn’t sound like something a typical 12-year-old would do. But Sophie…
Labor wants to encourage young Australians, especially young women, to learn the “language of the future”, announcing it will be bringin…
Teachers are the real heroes of the coding in school movement and need to be given more support, Code Club national program manager Kelly Ta…
Coding has replaced history and geography in Australia’s new digital technologies curriculum which was endorsed by education ministers on …
Google has a secret hiring process that targets potential employees before they’ve even thought to apply for a job with the tech giant. …
It sounds compelling, but what does Opposition Leader Bill Shorten actually mean when he says all secondary school pupils should be taught �…
A Brisbane software development company and outdoor retailer Kathmandu are among a number of Australian businesses helping the relief effort…
It is widely recognised that Australia needs to train up a generation of tech-skilled entrepreneurs to prepare us for the future. But are ou…
Google Australia has published a new computer science careers guide, titled Careers with Code, which encourages young people to take up a…