Getting a response from your email prospecting can be hard work, so it’s worth spending some time to make your pitch to stand out above th…
Dimension Six. That’s the name founder Phil Knight was pushing before ‘Nike’ was chosen at the last minute.
‘Nike’ had come to …
There are several heavy tomes devoted to the art of mastering LinkedIn, but the platform’s latest facelift could make it easier to show of…
If you want to boost your network, skip industry drinks this Friday.
That’s the advice Networking is Not Working author and entrepreneu…
Digital disruption can be exciting, as long as your business is the one with the potential to revolutionise an industry, or one of the benef…
Dear Aunty B,
I made a disgrace of myself with a client at Derby Day. I drank way too much and I told my client some very blunt things a…
We all want to be doing business with people we trust. This sort of sounds obvious doesn’t it? We like doing business, or working with peopl…
Do you take time to really think about why you are calling a prospect or a client? Do you reflect on how effective you have been, post the c…
One of the most read articles I’ve ever written was on Killer Customer Surveys however it’s just been brought to my attention that I’ve miss…