Businesses across Australia have been facing challenging conditions over the past year – stock markets have crashed, oil prices have soared …

Businesses across Australia have been facing challenging conditions over the past year – stock markets have crashed, oil prices have soared …
Housing in the United States, China and Australia is a repeat of the story of Goldilocks, when she tasted the three bears’ porridge: China -…
Late last week, as I worked on an article for Business Spectator’s sister publication Eureka Report, I had a sudden change of heart. I dropp…
The World Bank says six percentage points of China’s growth this year will come from “government-influenced expenditure”, with additional st…
The other day I listened to Richard Watson’s presentation of – he’s the Futurologist who wrote Future Files. First o…
Forecaster Phil Ruthven stood out against the pack of economists by declaring that Australia would avoid recession at best, and at worst exp…
Let’s not get carried away here. While all the good news lately has been wonderful, there’s always a “but …” attached. For example, th…
Some of Australia’s leading executives are creating a new lobby to convince export businesses to market themselves overseas, fearing a drop …
Exporters are suffering as the Australian dollar heads upwards of 81 US cents for the first time in eight months, but import companies are r…
Given the trillions of the dollars that global governments are spending to stimulate their economies, it should be no surprise that a series…
The dramatic global rescue efforts undertaken little more than six months ago are working better than anyone could have imagined. Acco…
While many people around the world are fearing for their health after an outbreak of swine flu, economists are now fearing what the flu coul…