You’ve got to the top of your profession and are now considering the possibility of sitting on a board. But how do you make yourself a worth…
You’ve got to the top of your profession and are now considering the possibility of sitting on a board. But how do you make yourself a worth…
Australia’s top CEOs are largely in their early 50s, male, and university-educated, often at overseas institutions. These are traits you’…
It’s time for Australian boards to review the remuneration of underperforming chief executives and their direct reports. Two detailed glo…
When news of Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer’s pregnancy broke, I tweeted that I too had been appointed to a new role when I was six months pregnan…
The attention over disgraced Energy Watch chief executive Ben Polis doesn’t need any more provoking. But the entire incident raises some ser…
Dear Aunty B, I am the founder of a successful business and I realised after Christmas when it was time to return to work that it was time …
It is no surprise to anyone who knows me that the constant discussion of brand from a marketing-centric standpoint drives me around the twis…
I was chatting to an entrepreneur at a wedding the other night and quickly became engrossed in his dilemma. He had reached the stage where h…
I have this experience annually. The calendar says it is 1 July, the very first day of the new financial year, yet I feel like I have been l…
I love this expression – because it is so visual! The Elephant in the Room is the thing that is there but that no one talks about – and it c…
You might remember that last week I wrote about a CEO and his unfortunate experience with a general manager. I had a few people contact me f…