Michael Dell continues to press on with his buyout bid for the computer manufacturing giant he created with a presentation to shareholders …

Michael Dell continues to press on with his buyout bid for the computer manufacturing giant he created with a presentation to shareholders …
The news that ESPN is closing down its 3D sports channel is the beginning of the end for an innovation that nobody really wanted. In the…
Attracting investor funding is only the beginning of the start-up adventure, not the endgame. “Those guys are successful, they’ve raise…
Imagine your business suddenly disappeared from the net – none of your customers, staff or suppliers could see your website and your inte…
While we’re all arguing about the future of Australian manufacturing in the wake of Ford announcing the closure of their Australian factori…
In many ways it was Yahoo! who pioneered Silicon Valley’s ‘Greater Fool’ business model during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. …
Last week, Toshiba released their Kira laptop computer, a premium device aimed at the ‘aspirational’ market. The Kira is a fine device wi…
It may well be that a technology has reached mainstream acceptance when the media starts writing scare stories and politicians demand that s…
One of the challenges in having a houseful of marauding teenagers is keeping the fridge restocked, particularly over the school holidays. …
“Work the Way You Live” is Google’s motto for the enterprise maps service which the search engine giant hopes to make as ubiquitous in busin…
“We were penny wise and pound foolish,” says Peter Trimble, finance and systems director of the V8 Supercars, about the IT set-up he found …
There’s nothing a like a little hiccup to the internet to bring the tech charlatans and other cockroaches out of the woodwork, although wise…