Two weeks ago the Melbourne fashion store Gasp caused outrage over their attitude to customers and the business’ owners might have been re…

Two weeks ago the Melbourne fashion store Gasp caused outrage over their attitude to customers and the business’ owners might have been re…
Ten years ago, when I was running a computer support business, we spent a lot of time trying to find a mobile payment service for our on-sit…
Last night, Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt testified before a US Senate antitrust committee on the search engine company’s market power….
Earlier this week SmartCompany reported on PricewaterhouseCooper’s Productivity Scorecard, which showed Australia’s business efficiency …
Imagine giving a presentation at a conference where you fire up a live demonstration of a product you’ve been urging the audience to use a…
Amid the discussion of Steve Jobs standing down as Apple CEO last week, a quiet milestone was passed. Ten years ago last Wednesday, Microsof…
Last Christmas a group of office workers gathered at a city hotel to celebrate the year’s end. The meal was a disaster as slow, surly staff …
Shopping centre owner Westfield’s announcement this week that they’ll be offering Facebook Check-in Deals at their local malls shows the…
“It’s too hard to keep up with all the choices. I can’t decide whether to use Facebook or Twitter, Microsoft or Google, Dell or Apple? Doing…
Today’s reports of an “unprecedented cyber-espionage campaign” thought to have originated in China are a reminder of how insecure most…
All too often a discussion of business leadership descends into a series of homilies and recycled stories equating corporate warriors to anc…
One of the common internet traps is a mindless quest for numbers. When we first go online we’re obsessed with gathering Facebook friends, …