Broadly speaking, a company tends to be the best structure for a business to operate within, but it’s important that the switch from so…
By Marina Nehme, UNSW Australia
The vast majority of Australian companies are privately held. There are many advantages for this. Privat…
In last week’s blog we talked about the notion of a how the e-commerce website of a non-retailer could be seen as an entirely new business…
Do you have a hidden second business without really knowing it?
Thousands of people do, but actually don’t realise it. Because the…
Whether you’re starting out, looking to protect your assets or simply revising your structure for expansion, choosing the right business s…
If you’ve visited this blog before, you may well be tired of hearing it. Yet the issue is still as prevalent as ever.
I’m talking abo…
Google revealed this morning it is restructuring into an umbrella company called Alphabet Inc. The new corporate entity will operate as a…
Most tech SMEs have aspirations of building a scalable business with global reach. Initially, their focus is firmly on technical development…
The most suitable structure Choose the structure that will best suit the needs of your business. Your decision will determine how you have t…