Treasury head Martin Parkinson says uncertainty about Australia’s response to climate change poses a bigger threat to investment than the Go…

Treasury head Martin Parkinson says uncertainty about Australia’s response to climate change poses a bigger threat to investment than the Go…
The Franchise Council of Australia is understood to be considering the establishment of an independent investigations officer to look into c…
Shadow Small Minister says it is “ridiculous” for the competition regulator to be asked to enforce price gouging under the carbon tax withou…
Shadow Small Business Minister Bruce Billson says he supports the concerns raised by the competition regulator over the health of the $128-b…
Small Business Minister Nick Sherry has warned South Australia and Western Australia against introducing state-wide franchising laws in addi…
Business groups have lined up to put forward a raft of proposals for the federal government’s Tax Forum, which is set to kick off tomorrow…
A bill introduced to Parliament by independent member Rob Oakeshott that would allow the Government to audit private recipients of Governmen…
Two thirds of Australian business owners still believe the carbon tax will hurt their business, according to a new poll, despite a general r…
The carbon tax debate yesterday moved to COSBOA’s national congress and shadow small business spokesperson Bruce Billson was sure he’d got o…
A leading economic forecaster has downplayed the impact of the carbon tax on businesses, as a new poll reveals public support for the scheme…
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia says it supports moves to decrease the tax-free threshold for online purchases, a…
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia says it supports moves to decrease the tax-free threshold for online purchases, as …