Iconic United States fashion label Brooks Brothers is set to open its doors in Australia next year, with OrotonGroup signing a deal to have …

Iconic United States fashion label Brooks Brothers is set to open its doors in Australia next year, with OrotonGroup signing a deal to have …
OrotonGroup has a dramatically lower 2013-14 earnings forecast compared to the 2012-13 financial year, in the event it does not sign a new l…
Businesses not in the online retail sphere will have to move fast if they want a share of a predicted $16 billion spend by international sho…
At least one major player in the shrinking group buying market has taken another swing at staying relevant, with LivingSocial partnering wit…
Australian businesses are being forced to scrutinise their supply chains after reports of unsafe conditions and workers being beaten have em…
Iconic Australian menswear retailer Fletcher Jones, renowned for selling largely to the “greying” population, has opened a new online store,…
Some of the nation’s largest retailers are meeting tomorrow to discuss issues affecting Australian retailers such as the goods and services …
Australian fashion retailers have finally started to respond to the influx of international fashion retailers like Zara, Gap and TopShop, ac…
Australian clothing company Cue has acquired a stake in the business owned by emerging Australian designer Dion Lee. The specific details…
Popular British retailer River Island is launching a new Australia-specific website today, the next step in its entrance to the Australian m…
The future of surfwear retail group Billabong is once again up in the air, after half of the company’s listed value was erased yesterday aft…
The flood of international retailers coming to Australia continues with Urban Outfitters Europe now shipping to Australia. The fashion re…