News over the weekend that Australia’s “brand” was number two in the world behind Canada got me thinking about the extent to which bra…

News over the weekend that Australia’s “brand” was number two in the world behind Canada got me thinking about the extent to which bra…
This week saw the Therapeutic Goods Complaints Resolution Panel provide a slap on the wrist to Power Balance – makers of wristbands popular …
There are many reasons why organisations engage brand practitioners. Some do so in the legitimate desire to make and keep authentic promises…
In.dif.fer.ent: having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned. The Commonwealth Bank becomes the most recent of the big corpor…
Only make promises you can keep and keep the promises you make. Sounds simple, but doing it is one of (if not the) biggest failures of busin…
I saw a Harvard Business article last week that got me thinking. Titled “The Eight Word Mission Statement” it tells the story of a execu…
Over 70% of employees wish they were working somewhere else, with becoming self-employed the third most popular new employment option, accor…
How much money do large corporates spend on brand awareness advertising? I’m not sure what the figure is, but it is sure to be a big number….
Core values are something that every organisation needs but it can be hard to get past the usual suspects that seem to populate just about e…
The promise was as simple as it was powerful. One for one – with every pair of shoes you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a c…
It is no news that brand needs to be owned equally across the company. And while that is a great move in the right direction, what isn’t hap…
I’m at the Marcus Evans CMO Summit on the Gold Coast – listening, and learning. Richard Sauerman told us today he ‘does not want to tel…