Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned Australia’s gas supply crisis will have significant lasting impacts, after receiving reports that…
A few years ago Fortescue Metals Group was the last ASX 50 company to have an all-male board. Less than three years on, it will become only …
A rise in the number of women in senior management positions is the good news in WGEA’s latest survey of Australian workplaces, but blink …
There are lots of really interesting initiatives around women and the workplace in Australia but the question is now whether it’s trans…
There’s one figure I like to keep on hand, to quote and bring up when needed to demonstrate how much work there is to do on workplace gender…
Pacific Brands chief executive John Pollaers has unexpectedly quit the top job at the retail group amid a disagreement with the board over t…
The boards of not-for-profit organisations are often regarded as a training ground for those wishing to be commercial company directors. But…
Apparently, blokes in senior positions are running themselves ragged searching Australia for suitable women to promote in their organisation…
To the cynics, they’re the perfect bookend to a glittering corporate career; a feather in the cap of a business legend looking to cement t…
If the pace of change for getting more women appointed to ASX-listed boards does not ramp up by 2015, we will be having “a very different co…
Dear Aunty B, I have just come out of my first board meeting of the year and feel so frustrated! My board is made up of major sharehold…