Small and medium business operators would streamline the reporting requirements for Business Activity Statements (BAS) and change the Fair W…

Small and medium business operators would streamline the reporting requirements for Business Activity Statements (BAS) and change the Fair W…
Don’t get penalised for something silly like not accurately recording your income. As a startup, you are responsible for ensuring you meet…
Confused business owners and tax professionals continue to express frustration with the Australian Taxation Office, with complaints of phone…
Groups representing Australian accountants and tax agents are calling for compensation for businesses that have been affected by the outage…
Members of the small business community have welcomed a decision by Australia’s Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) to expand the range of serv…
By Stacey Price
Many small business owners and entrepreneurs understand the benefits of leveraging outsourcing to scale their business. S…
GST is a major tax compliance issue for SMEs. It is part and parcel of their daily operations. And they need to get it right. According t…
Over the next three months, the Australian Tax Office is planning to target up to 90,000 small businesses it says are failing to comply w…
What constitutes the carrying on of a business for tax purposes is an age-old issue that has important consequences. If a business is car…
The federal government should provide additional funding in next month’s budget to crack down on the increasing number of unregistered age…
Close to half a million SMEs will benefit from changes to thresholds for pay-as-you-go tax instalments (PAYG) as part of the federal governm…
Small Business Minister Bruce Billson has announced measures he said will remove red tape barriers for small businesses and their owners. Bi…