The Australian Taxation Office has issued a strong warning to accountants and clients who filed returns in 2010 under the Personal Services …
The Australian Taxation Office has issued a strong warning to accountants and clients who filed returns in 2010 under the Personal Services …
The Australian Taxation Office will this month contact more than 650 contractors it believes might have wrongly assessed themselve…
Almost 500 companies and individuals were convicted in the September quarter for taxation and superannuation offences, an increase of 20%, a…
The Inspector-General of Taxation will investigate the taxman’s use of controversial tax benchmarks to spot under-reporting of tax after all…
The Fair Work Ombudsman, Nicholas Wilson, has released the findings of his office’s audit into sham contracting in the cleaning services, ha…
Super experts are divided over whether the Australian Taxation Office needs to provide more information about the improvement of proper…
Accountants say principals should review their business structures following a Tax Office ruling they say could hurt people leaving and ente…
The Australian Taxation Office has warned it will be watching self-managed superannuation funds for any sign of members breaching their cont…
The Australian Taxation Office has warned that schemes offering people early access to their super fund are illegal, charge fees of up to 30…
Businesses have been warned to keep an eagle eye on their tax deductions after the Tax Office released a new alert noting a rise in the numb…
Taxpayers are urged to do the maths on their workplace-related expenses, as Tax Office figures show average claims well exceed the Governmen…
Australia must take stronger action on climate change, professor Ross Garnuat has warned in his latest report. Garnaut has said the cou…