Company directors face longer jail terms and stricter board penalties under new laws that renege on promised national reforms originally mea…
Company directors face longer jail terms and stricter board penalties under new laws that renege on promised national reforms originally mea…
The Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia and the company directors’ body have welcomed the Government’s decision to postpone…
A push to remove company directors from personal liability for debts incurred by a company while insolvent has not succeeded. Parliamenta…
Nearly 70% of directors deal with more red tape now than they did 12 months ago, according to the Director Sentiment Index from the Australi…
Company directors have backed comments by the outgoing ASIC chief Tony D’Aloisio that non-executive directors face too many regulatory diffi…
A new report from the Australian Institute of Company Directors has found most Australian states have failed to reduce the personal liabilit…
Laws that place personal liability on company directors are hampering business decision-making and could even be depriving start-ups of lead…
The number of women being appointed to ASX 200 boards continues to grow at a faster pace then during the whole of 2009, with 27% of all boar…
Business groups have welcomed yesterday’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report on executive salaries, which recommends a “t…