The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is urging government leaders to adopt a four-point action plan to support SMEs, as business …
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is urging government leaders to adopt a four-point action plan to support SMEs, as business …
Shadow Small Minister says it is “ridiculous” for the competition regulator to be asked to enforce price gouging under the carbon tax withou…
Opposition leader Tony Abbott has renewed his pledge to repeal the carbon tax, which passed through the House of Representatives yesterday, …
The dust has settled following the Federal Government’s two-day tax forum, with initiatives already underway in a bid to improve the tax s…
Labor’s carbon pricing plan received mixed reaction from the small business sector, with industry groups condemning the economic impact bu…
Business groups are eagerly awaiting full details of the carbon tax to be released on Sunday, with reports suggesting the scheme will kick o…
Interest rates have remained on hold for yet another month, the Reserve Bank announced yesterday, but the lengthy hold-off appears to be con…
Small businesses will be exempt from petrol price increases under Labor’s carbon tax but industry groups are divided over the plan, with s…
The strength of the Australian dollar and rising production costs continue to hurt Australian manufacturers, according to a report by Westpa…
A mining association has reported its members have dug deep to support a fund to contest the rulings of Fair Work Australia, raising the pro…
Australian businesses can help to close the cultural divide with Chinese companies by sending their “A-team” to China to develop effecti…
Fair Work Australia has awarded the country’s lowest paid workers a minimum wage increase of $19.40 per week, but industry groups say the …