From Europhobia to Eurovision? Australian trade opportunities in the new Europe. TIM HARCOURT Is Europe off the map for Australian…

From Europhobia to Eurovision? Australian trade opportunities in the new Europe. TIM HARCOURT Is Europe off the map for Australian…
WA’s population growth, and unfilled job vacancies, is outstripping the nation’s. I’ve got to wonder if Adam Gilchrist started the trend. TI…
Are we just China’s quarry and Japan’s beach? Not by several long shots. It is often said that Australia’s economic future needs to …
From a country of merely 21 million people, a whopping one million Aussies are overseas. Rather than being a ‘brain drain’, these expats are…
Is your behaviour towards your prospective importer, the way you dress or the way you speak putting your export negotiation in jeopardy with…
There’s a new and huge market frontier opening up across the Indian Ocean – and smart Australian companies are already there. Dockers …
Got your chocolates or bunch of flowers yet? You’re helping a great Australian export success story. St Valentine’s Day is here agai…
Will Bollyline harm Australia-India trade relations? Not likely. ‘Make-up’ ex(port) can be the best. In the lead-up to 26 January, I w…
The ‘ABCs’ of exporting are filled out this week. They may be basic, but they’re essential. The A to Z of exporting (part 2; N to Z) …
Exporting has some basic knowledge essentials. You could call them the ‘ABCs’ of exporting. Here they are… Ex…
As good as it gets… or will US (market) forces get the nod? In looking at the global economy in 2008, there’s both good news and bad…
Exporters believe in Santa Claus. Know why? He’s the textbook successful global exporter, and has lessons for all of us to aspire to… …