Dear Aunty B, I gave my sales team a big rev up about selling out of panic last week. We have a number of really big deals in t…
Dear Aunty B, I gave my sales team a big rev up about selling out of panic last week. We have a number of really big deals in t…
Help Aunty B, I think we have a bull in the china shop. I appointed a person who said they were the real deal as far as new business devel…
Dear Aunty B, My list of creditors is growing and I can’t seem to get on top of it. Now I am worried about my sales falling as …
Dear Aunty, I work closely with a man who is going through an awful divorce. His wife is being an absolute cow and is taking him to the cl…
Dear Aunty B, I wanted to pick your brains about men – in particular my husband. I have a very busy, more than full-time job r…
Dear Aunty, I run a hair salon and we have just hired a very enthusiastic cutter. He is a big believer in putting on a fun face, so every …
Dear Aunty B, We have just realised our PA is in love with one of our bosses. Here are the signs. She was always a bit of a frump but has …
Dear Aunty B, I have just joined a business that has developed a very unfortunate culture where the sales people are treated as second-cla…
Dear Aunty B, I have a little office with five staff and I have just had the accountant in telling me I have to cut back on my costs. We g…
Aunty B! I need more revenue! We have just done some figures and worked out that if we do eight face-to-face meetings a week it convert…
Dear Aunty B, We are launching a new project and fingers crossed it will be a success! My question Aunty, is do we start bigger…
Hello Aunty B, Here is a doozie for you. My husband started a business with his uncle about nine years ago. How do you deal with a bus…