Dear Auntie B,
I have a small information technology company. I started this company up from scratch two years ago offering hom…
Dear Auntie B,
I have a small information technology company. I started this company up from scratch two years ago offering hom…
Aunty B,
Last year I hired a marketing manager to help with PR for our fast-growing online business.
Recently she …
Dear Aunty B,
I started a wholesale business several years ago and while the first year was a struggle, I have been growing very quickly….
Dear Aunty B,
I am not sure where you are based Aunty B, but in Melbourne we have had some unseasonably fine weather. While we …
Dear Aunty B,
I have a small company that was started about three years ago. We are growing rapidly and cash flow has started t…
Dear Aunty B,
We used to pay a lot more for our products and so we charged a lot more. We’ve recently found a cheaper supplier …
Dear Aunty B,
I am distraught. I started a recruitment company four years ago and for the first few years it struggled, but I went out of…
Dear Aunty B,
I have 8000 emails in my in-box. How can I clean up my in-box – or better still get someone to do it for me?
Dear Aunty B,
I have just expanded from six staff to 15 in the last year. I have always had an open-door policy. Lately the interruptions…
Dear Aunty B,
I work in a small fourth-generation family business, in regional Queensland. We have 25 employees, some of which work on a …
Dear Aunty B,
I run a smallish (55 staff) retail business. I keep thinking the next financial year is going to be better. But o…
Dear Aunty B,
We work in large open-plan office and I see myself as more of a team leader than a boss. But increasing…