A boom in tax deduction claims has been good news for tax agents but could undermine plans to do away with compulsory tax returns, comments …
A boom in tax deduction claims has been good news for tax agents but could undermine plans to do away with compulsory tax returns, comments …
New figures from the tax office show that landlords reported a record $5 billion in rental losses in 2006, up 25% on the previous year. Risi…
A tax office campaign to make employers pay super contributions on time has resulted in a dramatic reduction in late payments, chief taxma…
Despite mortgage pressure and economic ructions, property’s rental yields and capital growth have still made it an inviting investment opt…
Uptake by business owners of a dedicated online tax portal created by the tax office has been slower than expected, Tax Commissioner Michael…
Business owners who claim a high level of use of the company car can expect to hear from the taxman. By TERRY HAYES of Thomson Legal & Regul…
Employers are about to get a leg-up from the Labor Government on the often mountainous superannuation paperwork. MICHAEL LAURENCE helps with…
The tax office is considering going easy on people who are late making their GST payments where it does not involve a loss of tax revenue.Un…
The future taxation landscape has so far only been painted with a broad brush, but already the view is different. What can SMEs expect? By T…
Offers of help to SMEs from the taxman are undoubtedly genuine. After all, small business is the source of about two thirds of collectable t…
The gap between the demands of political spin and good public policy were dramatically illustrated by two events yesterday.First, the Reserv…
Big business and the rich are cheating on their tax – or so Australian taxpayers think. And the Australian Taxation Office is not doing en…