We all know the line about the tax representative who visits your business and assures you that “We’re here to help you”. As the Independent…
We all know the line about the tax representative who visits your business and assures you that “We’re here to help you”. As the Independent…
The Australian Taxation Office says its fight against the rising level of phoenix activity is being thwarted by court penalties that are too…
Readers of my column will know I’ve regularly discussed the ATO’s use of benchmarks. They give the ATO, and it must fairly be said, SMEs the…
Number-crunching data recently released from the ATO and APRA give a mixed impression of how self-managed super funds have coped with the gl…
The Australian Taxation Office is cracking down on wealthy individuals with letters sent requesting information regarding details about priv…
Tax experts have met with the ATO to express their concerns about a planned crackdown on trusts which is expected to have widespread ramific…
Ever wanted to determine your eligibility for a loan, improve your business plan and balance a budget without even leaving your chair? The a…
“I’m from the Government and I’m here to help you” or is that “I’m from the Government, and I know all about you”? We’ve all heard about ho…
The recent June 30 deadline for claiming the generous 50% temporary investment allowance tax deduction saw many car dealers, among aothers, …
SME owners unquestionably dominate the ranks of self-managed super fund (SMSF) members. However, sometimes the relationship between the memb…
The Tax Office has for many months been offering various forms of help to businesses that are suffering in the economic downturn. That help …
The Australian Taxation Office has unveiled its official 2009-10 compliance program, with the wealthy, executives at private companies and e…