Smoke and rubber not approved by the Ad Standards Board The co-owner of Federal Tyres Cairns is unrepentant after the Advertising Standards …

Smoke and rubber not approved by the Ad Standards Board The co-owner of Federal Tyres Cairns is unrepentant after the Advertising Standards …
A Queensland business which makes storage vessels for kids food and beverages has had a complaint against it upheld by the Advertising Stand…
Underwear company Bendon has come under fire from the Advertising Standards Board for a Facebook competition that encouraged participants to…
The New Zealand Advertising Standards Authority has issued a short guidance note creating a presumption that user generated content on Faceb…
The Advertising Standards Board has found an advertisement on Shear Ewe Livestock Services’ Facebook page which depicts a man shearing a wom…
The Advertising Standards Board’s stance on Facebook brand pages is “commercially unrealistic”, according to Foster’s, as advertisers push f…