Apple revolutionised the smartphone market with the introduction of the iPhone, and has now broken another record by reaching 1.5 billion do…

Apple revolutionised the smartphone market with the introduction of the iPhone, and has now broken another record by reaching 1.5 billion do…
The world’s third largest mobile handset manufacturer, LG Electronics, has today opened a mobile applications store for the company’s produc…
After a long wait for Apple iPhone fans, Three finally released pricing details for the new iPhone 3GS device late last night, with plans ra…
Computer manufacturer Apple has continued its run of patent applications, applying for patents related to facial recognition technology and …
A lot of our early stage entrepreneurs are concerned about where their funding will come from in the next 12 months or so. I did some re…
So you’ve probably all heard that Google’s moving into property listings, potentially trying to out-muscle and….
A security flaw in the iPhone 3.0 operation system has been found that could allow hackers to access the phone through Wi-Fi hotspots. M…
The internet browser wars during the 1990s saw Microsoft’s Internet Explorer emerge as the strongest of the pack, but new data from StatCoun…
Apple has submitted an application to the United States patent office for non-visual feedback in hand-held multi-touch display screens, for …
The iPhone has completely transformed the landscape of the mobile telecommunications industry. The App Store has given thousands of entrepre…
Craig, I very much agree with both your trends – to the iPhone and to the diminishing role of the Yellow Pages. Every smartphone can have so…
The European mobile phone industry has agreed on a standardised phone charger to hit the shelves next year. The agreement means compani…