Apple Mac computers are not foolproof and can be manipulated by hackers despite their virus-free reputation, a security expert has warned at…

Apple Mac computers are not foolproof and can be manipulated by hackers despite their virus-free reputation, a security expert has warned at…
By far, the most popular category in Apple’s App Store is entertainment, with seven of the current top 10 apps being games. Gaming studios a…
A Google Voice iPhone app has been pulled from App Store, with Apple claiming that the service can “duplicate features that come with the iP…
Apple will enter the low-end computer market by selling a tablet device from the first quarter of 2010, with chief executive Steve Jobs repo…
Palm Pre owners in the US were dealt a significant blow recently when Apple decided to scrap a feature in its iTunes software that allowed t…
A new poll from shows that only 12% of iPhone users are satisfied with their current mobile carriers. At least 50% of the …
A factory worker in China who reported that an iPhone prototype was missing committed suicide by jumping out of a 12th-story window, because…
The season for new iPod announcements is arriving, with manufacturer Apple traditionally launching new versions of the gadget in September, …
The Pirate Bay and Kazaa, two file-sharing systems that have been caught in legal battles for providing copyrighted material for public down…
The Australian share market has opened higher for a fifth consecutive day after mixed results from Wall Street last week. The rest of th…
Apple has disabled an ability within its iTunes software that allowed owners of Palm’s Pre device to “sync” their gadget with the program si…
VHA’s Three brand announced pricing changes to the company’s iPhone plans yesterday, before an early sale of the device for pre-registered c…