While the Google Voice iPhone app may have been dumped from the Apple Store, it could make a comeback through a web-browser-only version, ac…

While the Google Voice iPhone app may have been dumped from the Apple Store, it could make a comeback through a web-browser-only version, ac…
The analyst who first predicted tech giant Apple will release a tablet computer product in the first quarter of 2010 has claimed the device …
Tech giant Apple has come under fire from iPhone users, after a number of applications have been rejected from sale on the App Store, and ap…
If you own an iPhone, it’s likely you use the gadget’s iPod features as well. App developer iLike has tapped into that market and created “C…
The controversy surrounding Apple’s decision to reject a Google Voice iPhone app is increasing, with the US Federal Communications Commissio…
A Google Voice iPhone app has been pulled from App Store, with Apple claiming that the service can “duplicate features that come with the iP…
A new start-up in the Netherlands is offering an online tool that monitors sales and performance of programs sold on all the major app store…
Apple revolutionised the smartphone market with the introduction of the iPhone, and has now broken another record by reaching 1.5 billion do…
Optus has released its pricing plans for the new iPhone 3G S ahead of the device’s release on Friday, with the new 32GB version of the devic…
The majority of iPhone application developers are not making large amounts of money, and should not enter the industry with the anticipation…
Telecommunications group Vodafone is attempting to follow Apple’s lead by announcing plans for a web development kit, allowing users to make…
Computer giant Apple is giving developers of iPhone and iPod Touch applications a warning to upgrade their programs or face having their pro…