The number one reason why business owners or career professionals don’t bother with social media is because they “don’t have the time”. I…

The number one reason why business owners or career professionals don’t bother with social media is because they “don’t have the time”. I…
LinkedIn is a brilliant profile building and lead generation tool, whether you are running a small business or are the CEO of a massive m…
Starting and running a small business is hard. Harder than a corporate job. Harder than a lot of things in life. It takes a lot more wor…
I am the first to warn that in the business world if you trust no one, you are off to a good start. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn�…
Moving forward in business often requires sharing an idea or proposing a partnership with someone in a powerful position. But powerful pe…
There… I’ve said it. Women block women. While we’re all trying to climb the ladder to (and through) that supposed glass ceiling, we ar…
There’s much power to be harnessed when you build a reputation of being the ‘go-to’ person. You become known as the smart one, the fixer, th…
When the topic of diversity is discussed, often even the shyest people have something to say. Why? Because we have all been discriminated …
Time is precious, and quite early in the process of building my businesses, I realised to achieve my goals I needed to be miserly with meeti…
A great mobile strategy can help your team work more flexibly and, at the same time, see your business reach new markets and even cut costs
In business it is assumed that if you are in a position of power then you are automatically labelled a leader. But you and I know this is no…
Diplomacy is a set of skills very few possess, and many dismiss. But it can be the most powerful tool in the business world if applied prope…