How to write the perfect value proposition
It takes effort to find the precise words to describe your product or company's value in a way that resonates with your target audience.
Just how minimum should an MVP be?
The minimum viable product is one of the most important components for founders looking to successfully bring a product to market.
Four tips for playing the long game in business, from Victoria’s Small Business Woman of the Year
I hope, by sharing what helps me ‘keep on keeping on’, I can help fellow entrepreneurs to supersede the plateau and reignite their passion.
The ATO is targeting five common mistakes this EOFY — here’s how to avoid them
Here are five common mistakes the ATO is taregtting this end of financial year — as well as how to avoid making them in your own business.
Lessons from the wilderness: How a change in physical environment can build strength of mind
I am a strong believer in building resilience through tough physical activity which, in turn, helps to build strength of mind.
Bin juice bingers: How to avoid the sinister clutches of the procurement department and its cold benchmarking
Every client likes different things. They have different ideas of what value is, and it might not be what you think it is.
Why living the good life is very bad for business
If Edison had a low-priced team of candle trimmers and oil-lamp refillers, he wouldn’t have bothered inventing the light globe.
You can’t escape debate: How to approach social media management during election time
Given businesses can’t escape political debate online, how should they approach social media moderating during election time?
The banking royal commission is a masterclass in how not to run a startup
Ensuring commissioner Hayne's wisdom is built into a business model from an early stage will set a startup up for future success.
Five lessons from five startups: What this entrepreneur learnt from 20 years in business
The road to success and profitability is never easy. Here are the five key areas of business an entrepreneur should never overlook.
Pet-food lickers and changing-room strippers: Why you’ll never sell to people you don’t understand
The worst thing about being trapped in a business bubble is that you don’t know it. But the reality is, you’ll never sell to people you don’t understand.
The power of passion: Naked Wines’ co-founder reflects on what made the startup successful
Sitting back at the dining table where it all began, Naked Wines' co-founder Peta Jecks reflects on what made the disruptive startup so successful.