There’s been a lot of talk in recent weeks over women’s financial security, with one of the biggest news pieces of the month being th…

There’s been a lot of talk in recent weeks over women’s financial security, with one of the biggest news pieces of the month being th…
Hi Aunty B, My small business involves me spending quite a bit of time marketing via email, but I’m often a bit stuck for words when it co…
If governments want to create the jobs of the future they need to stop talking about science and technology skills and start removing the …
Storytelling in business has emerged as a key leadership competency and communication skill. When done well it is a powerful method to co…
A small business owner from Sydney has taken to Facebook to complain about potential employees who do not dress appropriately, with one appl…
While marketing is an essential part of business, it can also be one of the first areas we put on hold when we get busy. Sure it saves us ti…
This week we announced we’ve raised a $2 million dollar round of funding for AffinityLive. More than three years after our launch, this is…
Dear Aunty B, I really want to start my own business and think that I have a great idea and the experience and contacts to make it happen. T…
Dear Aunty B, I’m having an issue communicating via email with my business partner and hoping you can help. It’s been an ongoing bone o…
SMEs are relying less on traditional trusted business advisers like accountants, lawyers and bank managers. Research published last month by…
Dear Aunty B, I have just launched a small fashion boutique, which I share with another designer. Last week, I asked the designer’s intern…
“What’s the difference between PR and marketing?” It’s a common question and one that was posed to me last week when I presented a w…