The biggest problem that I’m seeing with startup founders is that they aren’t focused on, or interested in, business and the actual proce…
The biggest problem that I’m seeing with startup founders is that they aren’t focused on, or interested in, business and the actual proce…
Fintechs shouldn’t be treated like normal startups and founders need to pay special attention to regulations and the needs of their use…
A Melbourne startup founder wants networking to be less like speed dating and more rewarding for entrepreneurs.
Listen to StartupSmart p…
The first thing to do when launching a business is to speak to everyone that could possibly help get it to market. Usually an open …
It took “many sleepless nights” and nearly 50 prototypes for two childhood friends to develop what they say is the “most compact clean…
The startup space is filled with advice – giving advice to a starting entrepreneur is so popular that there’s an entire market built aroun…
Dear Aunty B, Buying some thank you gifts for my clients has been at the top of my to-do list for the past few weeks but now that we are …
Dear Aunty B, I run an independent grocery store in regional New South Wales. One of my long-serving employees recently retired, which is…
Uber has announced the creation of a dedicated safety advisory board as startups operating in the sharing economy look to combat growing …
Dear Aunty B, I have been running my own consultancy business for the past two years and I love the freedom it has given me. But being a …
Dear Aunty B, We have a food nazi in the office who is driving everyone crazy. She is really thin, won’t eat meals with us, has all this f…
Dear Aunty B, I work for a digital marketing agency as one of the sales managers and last week we were told at a team meeting there will be…