There is speculation in today’s papers that ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence has been pushed out of the top job, which he has held for five year…

There is speculation in today’s papers that ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence has been pushed out of the top job, which he has held for five year…
Business has baulked at the latest push from trade unions to increase wages for apprentices, suggesting already burdened industries such as&…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions is putting more pressure on the Government to increase protection for workers, saying in a submission…
Australia’s leading union is calling for wholesale changes to Australia’s superannuation system, arguing the current 15% flat tax rate is di…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions has passed new resolutions it intends to take to the ALP conference next week in a push to increase w…
The Government says people will be free to discuss the hot-button issues of industrial relations and training at its jobs summit next month….
Retailers have attacked Fair Work for upholding a decision to restrict businesses from scheduling shifts shorter than three hours, saying th…
The Australian Council of Trade Unions will today seek to get involved in a Fair Work Australia test case that will examine whether big empl…
The Australian Council of Trade Union’s submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into executive pay came in the other day and pre…
Businesses have been warned to become familiar with the Government’s new Fair Work regime, as unions prepare a litigation fund to help test …
The Australian Council of Trade Unions is attempting to have a “buy Australian” clause entered into federal, state and local government proc…