If you sell goods online make sure your fine print is up to scratch, as the consumer watchdog is conducting an internet sweep of websites to…
If you sell goods online make sure your fine print is up to scratch, as the consumer watchdog is conducting an internet sweep of websites to…
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has conceded there is not much it can do about claims of anti-competitive behaviour by Co…
Woolworths has accused Bunnings of a dirty tricks campaign against its Masters Home Improvement chain through a report published yesterday b…
The consumer watchdog has launched proceedings in the Federal Court against a printer cartridge telemarketing company which it says has cont…
The Federal Court has fined Rosemary Bruhn $50,000 after she substituted cage eggs for free-range eggs in her South Australian business Rosi…
The Federal Court has found that King Island Meatworks and Cellars has swindled consumers by misleadingly referring to a geographic location…
The consumer watchdog has launched proceedings in Sydney’s Federal Court against Renegade Gas and Speed-E-Gas, claiming that the companies o…
The consumer watchdog has issued a warning about widespread unscrupulous industry practices in the door-to-door sales industry, but the in…
The Federal Court has found the Zamel’s chain of jewellery stores, misled consumers about the savings to be made during sales. The court …
The consumer watchdog has issued a warning about widespread unscrupulous industry practices in the door-to-door sales industry, but the indu…
The consumer watchdog has weighed in on the debate over false and misleading comments on brands’ Facebook pages, calling for a 24-hour tur…
Complaints to the consumer watchdog about small businesses and franchises engaging in misleading conduct and false representations have drop…