How to get a QR code

Tech TrickQR codes are set to explode in popularity this year, so it may be worthwhile for you to start generating your own.


But what are QR codes? QR stands for quick response. The code looks like a traditional barcode, but contains vastly more information – more than 7,000 numeric digitals compared with the standard 20 on a barcode.


Consumers can ‘swipe’ the code with their smartphones to access coupons, YouTube videos or URLs. In fact, you can link the codes to almost anything that you feel will aid your business.


QR codes have been tipped to replace barcodes, and you can see why. Customers and contacts can potentially gain all the information they need from your business just by scanning a code on a product or on a name badge at a conference. Yet another nail in the coffin for business cards too.


So how do you generate your own QR code? It’s pretty simple. Just go to a generator such as this one and enter the information you want included in the code. The more information you want in there, the more complex the code, but generally it won’t take long before you’ve got one up and running.


This area may be in its infancy in Australia, but as the penetration of smartphones increases, you will do well to get familiar with QR codes before your competition does.


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